
5 Ways To Determine You’re Dealing With A Fake Jewelry

Fake and counterfeit jewelry are widespread everywhere. You may encounter these fake jewelries through physical shops, online shops, and some people who might offer them to you. This leads us to take extra cautious steps when dealing with a fake jewelry from a variety of different people, especially those that we do not know personally.


And, if your job involves dealing with jewelry, then you must avoid scams at all costs, such as counterfeit gems and fraudulent sales. It’s not hard to protect. In today’s article, you will learn some simple but useful tips for spotting a piece of fake jewelry and preventing you from a possibly costly mistake.

But remember, the only way to be sure about the authenticity of a piece of jewelry is to get it inspected by a skilled professional. Here are some of the ways to help you identify and determine the authenticity of jewelry:


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Check the color and markings

There is a difference between gold and gold-plated pieces. Of course, you prefer to go for the former; however, the latter may look like the real deal, which explains why many would-be deceived into purchasing a gold-plated piece, not knowing that it is not what they would hope for. An authentic gold has the Karat indicated on them. It may look small, though, so you would need a magnifying glass to check on it. And a different metal underneath may also indicate a gold-plate, so be sure to inspect it properly.


Do the magnet test

Real gold isn’t magnetic. So holding a strong magnet nearby would help you determine whether or not the gold is authentic. If the piece were to be drawn towards the magnet, then you’re dealing with fake gold. However, if it remains in its position, then that’s real gold you’re holding. Take note, that this isn’t a sure-fire method, as crooks have recently adapted to using non-magnetic materials for counterfeit gold.


Check the edges

Another method you can use is by using a magnifying glass. When it comes to diamonds, you must inspect thoroughly. If its edges are sharp, then it is authentic. However, if it’s rounded, then it’s fake. Of course, it isn’t to say that all diamonds are perfectly flawless. They are natural stone, and there will always be some imperfections on them. Regardless, diamonds are worth a fair amount of money


It’s all about the mountings

Want to learn how to determine whether or not a diamond ring is real? Authentic diamonds are usually mounted on platinum and gold. However, fake ones are found on gold-plated materials and silver. Thus, you have various things to check when applying this method.


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Using the sandpaper method

Here’s one “rough” method to inspect a diamond’s authenticity, using sandpaper. Authentic diamonds are hard, real hard! Hence, rubbing them in sandpaper will help you determine if they are real or not. Remember, real diamonds do not get scratched or damaged. So when you see a single scratch or damage after you rub the diamond using the sandpaper, then you know it’s fake!


Dealing with fake jewelry is entirely up to you; some may be suitable for one-time use only, while others may cause an allergic reaction on your skin. So, if you still want to buy one, proceed with caution.


Shop the Chow Sang Sang Minty Collection Today

Shop the Chow Sang Sang Minty Collection TodayChow Sang Sang  Minty Collection are made to be light, simple, and an array of clean yet delicate jewellery designs merges with your daily self-expression. For quality jewelry at affordable prices, visit today.






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